Saturday, July 9, 2011

Series Meeting::Thursday, July 14th at 9:30 a.m.

La Leche League of Ridgecrest will hold its regular series meeting on Thursday, July 14th, at 9:30 a.m.

July's meeting is the third in our ongoing four-topic series and the subject is "The Art of Breastfeeding and Overcoming Obstacles." We'll discuss how breastfeeding is a learned art for both mom and baby, plus common difficulties the new breastfeeding mother might encounter and how almost every breastfeeding issue a mom might face can be overcome so she and her baby may continue their special, breastfeeding relationship.

All information discussed at La Leche League meetings (and more) is included in LLL's book The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding now available at our meetings.

If you have breastfeeding questions or tips to share, we look forward to seeing you at the meeting and hearing your thoughts. You're also welcome to comment here at the blog, if you'd like.

{{{BLOG CANDY for July: From all comments left here at the blog, I will randomly draw two winners on 31 July who will receive one LOVELY, ORIGINAL ART MAGNET depicting Mother & Child. Post your comment now, so your name will be among those I draw from. (I regret that e-mail messages will not be included. Only messages posted here at the LLLRC Blog will count!)}}}

We appreciate every experienced breastfeeding mother who comes to our meetings to share her successes and to support newer moms in their goal to breastfeed. Thanks so much!!

Our meetings are held in Ridgecrest at the Immanuel Ministry Center, 1201 N. China Lake Blvd., next door to (south of) Pizza Hut.

{To find our meeting room, go in the Ministry Center's main entrance on the east side of the building off China Lake Blvd. Veer left toward the double doors you'll see across the lobby. Go through the doors, and then our meeting room is the second door on the left.}

Hope to see you there!



  1. if I'm the only one who leaves a comment that makes the odds pretty good for me, huh!! ;-)

  2. That's right, Brandy! Unless I count my comment, too (which I would not!). :-D

  3. I thought the same thing as Brandy when I first read the post! At least now I have a chance :)

  4. Today is 7/30/11...we're getting down to the wire, LLLadies. As it stands right now, I won't even have to randomize a list. It'll be easy picking!

  5. Hello!

    Both Brandy and Charissa will receive a beautiful magnet with an image of a breastfeeding mother and baby. Thanks so much for your comments!

